065-572455 / 9856001455


Bhimad-6, Tanahun

Gandaki Province, Nepal

6:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Sunday to Friday

Organizational Structure

Organizational Structure

JC has been running under the Janajyoti campus regulation 2064

Organizational Structure

(fourth amendment 2076). Accordingly, campus assembly is the apex body having 200 members contributing more than Rs. 15,000 to the campus development fund. The Campus Management Committee (CMC) is the executive body, which is responsible for setting the policies, regulating campus programs and activities. Campus Management Committee comprises of the representatives of stakeholders, teachers, administrative staff, students, parents, local government, and members. Elected person from the general assembly chairs the committee and the campus chief as a member secretary. Campus assembly is responsible to formulate plan and policies and amend it timely as per the requirement of the campus. The Executive Committee is responsible to execute such plan and policies and the day-to-day functions of the campus.